
We are Inkcharts

We make you independent in trading from the absolute basics.

In India its less than 4% of people who is making money from the stock market. It is all because of a lack of education and lack of confidence in trading. So Ink Charts try to bring the change in the above statement.

We have 5+ years of experience in the Indian market and 2+ years of experience in the Forex Market. Put to gather we are trying to build a profitable community with quality service.

Our Vision

Building a financial freedom community in the native languages and creating self-traders to become independent.

Our Mission

Help students to cut down the losses and became a profitable trader with the help of our simplified learning techniques and coaching.


Everything here-words, curriculum, recording, setups, content, is produced by our own learnings from various sources. we wanted to personally showcase my own capabilities by using the exact same techniques that we teach in the program. Thanks for taking the time to check out everything!

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